Get from zero to proficiency in Laravel PHP Framework in one week! Course for beginners and intermediate students!
Skill level: All Levels
Languages: Bilingual
Notes: English
What you’ll learn
- Eloquent – ORM for interacting with the database
- Advanced features like Queues, Polymorphic relationships, Service Container
- Learn all the theory while building a real application as you progress!
- Setting up PHP with Apache on Windows and Mac
- How to use Visual Studio Code effectively
- Creating APIs, serializing data, API resources and API testing
- Routes and Controllers
- Laravel Tinker – command line playground to Laravel
- Blade templates
- Blade componenets
- Creating Forms, CSRF tokens
- One to One, One to Many, Many to Many relationships
- Polymorphic relationships
- Testing
- Local and Global Eloquent Query Scopes
- Database migrations
- Database seeding and factories
- Authentication (Guard)
- Authorization (Policies and Gates)
- Authorization
- Caching
- How to use queues
- Files and file uploads
- How to send e-mails
- Observers, Events, Listeners and Subscribers
- Localization
- Services, Service Container, Contracts and Facades
- Using Traits in Laravel – SoftDeletes and creating your own!